Lost Along the Way
Author: Erin Duffy
Release Date: July 12, 2016
Publisher: William Morrow
Genre: Women's Fiction
Format: Hardcover/Ebook/Audio

Book Description:
A fresh, funny, and insightful novel about what it really means to be �friends forever� from the acclaimed author of Bond Girl and On the Rocks.

All through childhood and adolescence, Jane, Cara, and Meg swore their friendship would stand the test of time. Nothing would come between them, they pledged. But once they hit their twenties, life got more complicated and the BFFs began to grow distant. When Jane eloped with her slick, wealthy new boyfriend and didn�t invite her oldest friends to the ceremony, the small cracks and fissures in their once rock-solid relationship became a chasm that tore them apart.

Ten years later, when her husband is arrested and publically shamed for defrauding his clients, Jane realizes her life among the one percent was a sham. Penniless and desperate, deserted by the high-society crowd who turn their surgically perfected noses up at her, she comes crawling back to her childhood friends seeking forgiveness. But Cara and Meg have troubles of their own. One of them is trapped in a bad marriage with an abusive husband, while the other can't have the one thing she desperately wants: a baby. Yet as much as they�d love to see Jane get her long overdue comeuppance, Cara and Meg won�t abandon their old friend in her time of need.

The story of three friends who find themselves on a laugh-out-loud life adventure, Lost Along the Wayilluminates the moments that make us, the betrayals that break us, and the power of love that helps us forgive even the most painful hurts.

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Happy book birthday to HOUND'S BITE, the fifth full-length novel in the bestselling, award-winning Ivy Granger urban fantasy series by E.J. Stevens! We are celebrating this book release with a giveaway.

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Hound's Bite (Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective #5) urban fantasy by E.J. Stevens Hound's Bite
(Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective #5)
Author: E.J. Stevens
Release Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Genre: Paranormal, Supernatural Suspense, Urban Fantasy

Book Description:
Ivy Granger thought she left the worst of Mab's creations behind when she escaped Faerie. She thought wrong.

In a cruel twist of fate, Ivy has unleashed a powerful horde of Unseelie beasts upon her city, turning her homecoming into a potential slaughter of innocents. Now Ivy must gather her allies to fight a reputedly unstoppable force�The Wild Hunt.

Will the training Ivy received in her father's court be enough to save her city, or will Harborsmouth be forced to kneel before the Lord of the Hunt? She is willing risk her own life, but some sacrifices come at a cost worse than death. When an ally is bitten by one of The Wild Hunt's hounds, Ivy must face the possibility that winning this battle may mean killing the one person she has come to love most.

Hound's Bite Now Available
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Oubliette: A Forgotten Little Place
Author: Vanta M. Black
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Genre-Fiction, New Adult, Horror
Publisher: Black Chateau Publishing
Date of Publication: March 2016
ISBN: 978-0-9964488-2-6
ISBN: 978-0-9964488-1-9
ISBN: 978-0-9964488-0-2
Number of pages: 566
Word Count: 247,912
Cover Artist: Black Chateau Enterprises

Book Description:
Veronica knows the monsters aren�t �just in her head�, but no one listens to the headstrong ten-year-old as they tie her to a hospital bed every night.

Years later, after being dumped by her business-partner/boyfriend, Veronica finds herself on the verge of bankruptcy. Then a late-night call promises the perfect solution � a job opportunity decorating a castle in France.

Will Veronica risk what little she has left to chase a fairytale?

When the shadowy things that once terrorized her come back, Veronica must decide how much she�ll sacrifice for them, for her sanity, and for her life.

This epic book consists of interwoven stories with paranormal twists. A horror-filled historical fiction adventure, it spans nearly two millennia.

You'll be transported to an ancient Pagan ritual, Roman-ruled Gaul, the bloody Inquisition of the Knights Templar, France as it's ravaged by the Black Death, the duplicitous Reformation, the Paris Catacombs, and the gory French Revolution, while you unravel Oubliette�s cryptic layers.

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The world has long been captivated by the story of Peter Pan and the countless movies, plays, musicals, and books that retell the story of Peter, Wendy, and the Lost Boys. Now, in this revealing behind-the-scenes book, author Piers Dudgeon examines the fascinating and complex relationships among Peter Pan's creator, J.M. Barrie, and the family of boys who inspired his work.

After meeting the Llewelyn Davies family in London's Kensington Garden, Barrie struck up an intense friendship with the children and their parents. The innocence of Michael, the fourth of five brothers, went on to influence the creation of Barrie's most famous character, Peter Pan. Barrie was so close to the Llewelyn Davies family that he became trustee and guardian to the boys following the deaths of their parents. Although the relationship between the boys and Barrie (and particularly between Barrie and Michael) was enduring, it was punctuated by the fiercest of tragedies. Throughout the heart-rending saga of Barrie's involvement with the Llewelyn Davies brothers, it is the figure of Michael, the most original and inspirational of their number, and yet also the one whose fate is most pitiable, that stands out.

The Real Peter Pan is a captivating true story of childhood, friendship, war, love, and regret.

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About the author:
PIERS DUDGEON is a writer, editor, and photographer. He worked for ten years as a publisher in London and then started his own company, Pilot Productions. He is the author of bestselling biographies of Catherine Cookson, Edward de Bono, the composer Sir John Tavener, and the novelists Barbara Taylor Bradford, Josephine Cox, J. M. Barrie and Daphne du Maurier.

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Thomas Dunne Books is giving one lucky winner a print copy of
The Real Peter Pan by Piers Dudgeon

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Rising Tides
Author: Katy Haye
Genre: YA Post-Apocalyptic
Release Date: June 20th, 2016

Book Description:
When everything you know is washed away, who can you trust?

Life is precarious on City, the last civilised place left on a drowned Earth. Some might think Libby Marchmont's safe life there is boring, but she likes it � until her father is murdered and her certainties are swept away.

Stranded in the middle of the sea with someone she's always considered an enemy, can Libby learn to trust Cosimo? And can they both survive long enough to share the truth her father was killed for: the seas are rising again and City lies on the brink of destruction.

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Daughter of the Sun
Cult of the Cat
Book 1
Zoe Kalo
Genre: YA Fantasy
Date of Publication: Ebook April 1, 2016
Date of Publication: Print June 15, 2016
ISBN: 978-1533061768
Number of pages: ebook 330 pages
Number of pages: print 350 pages
Word Count: 95,000
Cover Artist: S. Frost Designs

Book Description:
Sixteen-year-old Trinity was born during a solar eclipse and left at the doorsteps of a convent along with a torn piece of papyrus covered with ancient symbols. Raised by nuns in the English countryside, she leads a quiet life until she�s whisked away to the Island of Cats and a grandmother she never knew.

But before they can get to know each other, her grandmother dies. All that Trinity has left is a mysterious eye-shaped ring. And a thousand grieving cats. As Trinity tries to solve the enigma of the torn papyrus, she discovers a world of bloody sacrifices and evil curses, and a prophecy that points to her and her new feline abilities.

Unwilling to believe that any of the Egyptian gods could still be alive, Trinity turns to eighteen-year-old Seth and is instantly pulled into a vortex of sensations that forces her to confront her true self�and a horrifying destiny.

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Running Back to Him
Author: Evelyn Rosado
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 8th, 2016

Book Description:
A few white lies and a couple of pretend kisses never hurt anyone, right?

Seventeen-year-old Magnolia Graham just got her heart thrown in a blender. Or at least, that�s what it felt like when her star quarterback boyfriend dumped her. And she�s been ousted from the uber-exclusive inner circle of popular girls in school. There's only so much drama one ex-geeky, Chewbacca fan-girl can take in one day.

She needs to find a way to put out the fires--fast.

Everyone knows that the best way to get over a breakup is with a hookup�a fake hookup, that is. Enter Kellen, football wunderkind with lip gloss-melting good looks, and newly single after also being dumped. When Magnolia, ask Kellen to be her fake boyfriend, he�s down for the sham.

Only one problem�Magnolia�s been in love with Kellen all her life�and he's got absolutely no idea. Somewhere between the innocent hand-holding and breath-stealing kisses, lines become blurred and Magnolia realizes the true meaning of the hashtag #ItsComplicated.

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Liberty or Death
We the People Book 2
Author: Christopher Scott Wagoner
Release Date: July 10, 2016
Keywords: goth, alien contact, zombies, fantasy, dystopian, alien invasion, young adult
Categories: New Adult/Science Fiction
Pages: 306
ISBN: 978-1533547996
Imprint: Devil�s Tower

ONE LINER: An immortal young woman must travel back in time to the American Revolution to stop an alien menace from re-writing our history, aided by Benjamin Franklin and John Stark.

Book Description:
You'd think being indestructible would be an easy life�

Unless you're Morticia Thane, living-dead amnesiac and government agent. Thane hasn't been able to regain her memories, even with the combined resources of the FBI and US armed forces. They certainly make good use of her abilities, however, using her to break up a human trafficking ring.

Thane is called back to her old unit, a group of misfit teens much liker herself. While tracking down the Extraterrestrial fugitive Dr. Kass they are hurtled back through time to the American Revolution. Hampered by their lack of historical knowledge (Franklin is the guy on the hundred dollar bill, right?) and their own bickering, they struggle to achieve their goal; Save the future of the human race.

Perhaps Benjamin Franklin, founding father and inventor can help...if he can stop being distracted by his misogynistic tendencies and libido.

Thane must face both the Redcoat army and her own lack of faith in humanity. Can she pull her team together and save the world one more time? Or will her disillusionment mean the end of our history?

We the People: Liberty or Death is full of action, angst, zombies, and enough belly-laughs to thrill you no matter what century you were born in.

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Bess's Magical Garden
Author: M.E. Hembroff
Genre: Middle Grade Mystery
Date Published: October 2015

Book Description:
Bess's mother moves them to Pineview, away from her best friend Megan, and she terribly misses her. Six months earlier, Bess�s father died in a car crash, and she�s also in the midst of recovering from the final stages of polio. She's in a sad and lonely place.

From the moment she and her mother settle into their new home, Bess hears whispering voices and encounters a ghostly figure in the well-kept garden and in her dreams. She can�t make sense of everything and so shares her observations with Megan by writing her regular letters.

During the summer, she makes new friends, including an orange and white tomcat that she names Pumpkin, and her new neighbour Josie. With the help of Mrs. O�Toole, the woman who watches her, Bess continues to recover, both physically and emotionally. She becomes more and more curious about the garden and the unexplained clues that she finds there.

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The Brothers' Keepers
Author: John H. Paddison and Charles D. Orvik
Genre: Literary Fiction

Book Description:
The Brothers� Keepers, a modern literary novel, is a collaborative work written by John H. Paddison and Charles D. Orvik. Based on the book�s tone, theme, and literary intention, which are similar in style to Sherwood Anderson�s classic Winesburg, Ohio, this work will prove to be a significant contribution to contemporary literature.

As a novel dealing with the saga of one family, the work closely analyzes an ongoing cultural myth of small Midwest American towns and families�that is, the idea and ideal of family values that have come to symbolize that geographic region. Much like Richard Russo recently did in his novel Empire Falls, the story emerges from within a historical framework. The story takes place in the Northeastern part of North Dakota, in the fictional town of Farmington, during and after the Great Depression. The storyline develops around the neglect and then abandonment of five young boys�the Lambson brothers�by their alcoholic mother and their drifter father, and indeed by society in general. Having been exhaustively researched, the novel details in a sensitive yet realistic way the brothers� development under very adverse physical and social conditions and the five boys� eventual outcome. Events of the story are structured so as to extract meaning from the youngsters� trials; the narrative voice is sensitive yet forceful in adding understanding of their tribulations, thus bringing light to two social ills that plague America today�child neglect and child abuse.

Set primarily in the post-depression Midwest, the novel follows five young brothers--Dewey, Duane,Lloyd, Leeland, and Darrell Lambson�from childhood to adulthood. Their parents essentially abandon them in the late 1930s. The narrative focus of the novel is the detailed description of the Lambson boys� day-to-day struggle to survive physically, emotionally, and socially. After their father leaves them, the boys live on a dilapidated farm on the outskirts of the agricultural community of Farmington, North Dakota with their alcoholic mother. In her own pursuit of escape, she often leaves the children to their own means for extended periods of time. The brothers� hardships form a strong, familial bond between them�the only definition of family that they can construct from their aberrant circumstances. The broader narrative, though, becomes an attempt to understand how a society that traditionally has always placed so much emphasis on family and family values, at least seemingly, can condone such treatment of the five youngsters. This probing of social responsibility is relevant to today�s society, with children increasingly becoming the victims of abuse and neglect.

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Genre: YA Fantasy
Expected Release Date: Fall 2016

Book Description:
It�s a bold new world that no one was ready for�

When the first colony reached the planet that would become their new home, tragedy struck. The sun exploded, sending solar flares of incalculable magnitude into space, destroying the colonist�s fragile technologies and leaving them helpless. One of the colony ships crashed in an ocean near a cluster of islands. Another was lost somewhere in the world. The last was flung deep into the endless void.

The survivors of the first ship began their new lives. Hoping against all hope that they could find their sister ship, the people of the islands made their way to the continent. There they found great beasts of burden, strange creatures that seemed almost tame, creatures that would take them over the vastness of the new world. But all was not to end happily. The alien night came and the colonists were attacked by terrible beasts. That is where this story begins.

The children survived. As their parents died, they escaped to safety. Nearly fifteen years later finds the children living in the world, still searching for the lost colony. But the children were too young to know their own history, and have built a mythology about those they seek and the strange world they find themselves in. This story tells of the children�s last journey through the wilderness, and what happens when they finally find their brethren and rescue.
Review by Marlene Engel
Jet has sworn off men. Since her recent breakup, the last thing she needs in her life is another man to wreak havoc. New to Marietta and working as a teacher at a small schoolhouse, her focus is on her work. But every time she sees him at Java Caf�, her body betrays her. So what that he�s mysterious and handsome, that his long, dark hair gives him a bit of an untamed look and his arm that is sleeved with tattoos adds to that bad boy persona. But despite the physical attraction, she can�t help noticing that every time he�s at the caf�, he�s surrounded by books and is busy jotting down notes. Not just easy on the eyes, he has a brain too!

When he strikes up a conversation, she learns that he is a writer, but not just any writer. He happens to be Shane Swan, her favorite author. Having always been a book girl, if his looks and intellect didn�t get her, being the mind behind several of her favorite books is enough to send her swooning. But if she isn�t mistaken, he is the same Shane that is staying at the Douglas ranch and writing a sure-to-be bestseller about the horrific Douglas massacre. The same Shane that the Sheenans are hell-bent on getting out of that house and stopping the book from ever getting published.

Yes, Shane chose to stay at the Douglas ranch for research on his novel, but there are secrets in his past that he�s hoping to get answers to. Maybe staying at the Douglas ranch wasn�t totally necessary in doing that, but getting as close to the Sheenans as possible is the ticket he needs. He may not have sought out to use Jet to do that, but it definitely will make it easier. But if the Sheenans have anything to say about it, Jet will heed their warning and stay as far away from Shane as possible.

The last thing Jet expected was to develop feelings for Shane. Now, caught between what her family says and what her heart is telling her to do, Jet is torn. Is she really considering going against her family and the one thing she was dead-set on doing, falling for another man? But as we all know, sometimes the brain can�t control what the heart is determined to feel.

Leave it to Jane Porter to give us an emotionally driven, thought provoking novel with so many twists and turns you�ll never guess what�s going to happen next. Romance mixed with mystery and add in family secrets and you have Jane Porter�s next bestselling novel!

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About the author:
USA Today, and New York Times bestselling author of 50 romances and women's fiction titles, Jane Porter has been a finalist for the prestigious RITA award five times, with her Tule Publishing novella, Take Me, Cowboy, winning the Novella Category July 2014. Today, Jane has over 12 million copies in print, including her wildly popular Flirting with Forty, a novel picked by Redbook Magazine as it's Red Hot Summer Read in 2006 before being turned into a Lifetime movie in 2008 starring Heather Locklear. 

Jane holds an MA in Writing from the University of San Francisco and makes her home in sunny San Clemente, CA with her surfer husband three sons, and two dogs.

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The Lost Sheenan Bride by Jane Porter

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