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{Interview+Giveaway} Where You�ll Find me by Erin Fletcher


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Title: WHERE YOU'LL FIND ME by: Erin Fletcher
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pub. Date: January 7, 2014Where You'll Find Me
Age Group: New Adult

Summary from Goodreads:

When Hanley Helton discovers a boy living in her garage, she knows she should kick him out. But Nate is too charming to be dangerous. He just needs a place to get away, which Hanley understands. Her own escape methods�vodka, black hair dye, and pretending the past didn't happen�are more traditional, but who is she to judge?

Nate doesn't tell her why he's in her garage, and she doesn't tell him what she's running from. Soon, Hanley�s trading her late-night escapades for all-night conversations and stolen kisses. But when Nate�s recognized as the missing teen from the news, Hanley isn't sure which is worse: that she's harboring a fugitive, or that she's in love with one.


Thank you so much Erin for being here on Book Briefs today!

1. Describe Where You'll Find Me in a tweet (140 characters or less)

After discovering a boy living in her garage, Hanley isn�t sure which is worse: harboring a fugitive, or falling in love with one.

2. What was the hardest part about writing this book for you?

Getting the ending right was definitely the hardest part. The beginning of the story is very close to the first draft, but the ending has been through many, many changes! It was hard work, but I�m happy with it now.

3. What character do you relate to the most in Where You'll Find Me? Why?

I relate most to Hanley�s sister, Heather. Hanley was a fun character to write because she�s so bold, but I�m much more like quiet, reserved Heather. We�re both focused and dedicated. Fortunately, I do not wear (or even own) a National Honor Society sweatshirt like Heather!

4. Are you more of a plotter or a pants-er when you are writing? (Do you plan out your books, or just let the writing flow?)

For this book, I was definitely a pants-er! The boy who lives in Hanley�s garage, Nate, has a pretty big secret, and I didn�t discover the secret until Hanley did! I have plotted other manuscripts entirely before starting to write, so it varies for me.

5. What are some trends that you are loving right now in books? What are some things you think are overdone?

I�m loving the push for contemporary stories. While sci-fi and fantasy are fun, I�ll always be a contemporary fan at heart. The only thing I�d like to see less of is trilogies/series. There have been a ton of those in the past few years, and sometimes I just want to read a stand-alone!

6. Do you have any new years resolutions for 2014?

I�m not a huge fan of resolutions, mostly because I fail at keeping them. I would like to read more books in 2014 than I did in 2013, though.

7. If we looked under your bed right now, what would we find?

An empty duffel bag, extra sheets and blankets, and a flashlight. Pretty boring!

8. If we had an author talent show, what would your talent be?

I can figure skate and play the piano. The real talent would be if I could do both at the same time!

Thank you so much for having me at Book Briefs! I appreciate it! ~ Erin


About the Author

Erin Fletcher photoErin Fletcher is a morning person who does most of her writing before sunrise while drinking excessive quantities of coffee, believes flip-flops qualify as year-round footwear, and would spend every day at the beach if she could. She has a bachelor�s degree in mathematics (which is almost never useful when writing books) and lives in North Carolina.

You can visit Erin on her website and on Twitter.


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