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{Character Interview+Playlist+Giveaway} RecruitZ by Karice Bolton

Hey guys!  I am super excited to have Karice Bolton here for her new book Recruit Z! She even brought one of her characters from the book, Preston, with her for some questions.
Thanks so much for being here Karice!
RecruitZ by Karice Bolton
Series: Afterworld #1
Published October 2013
Genres: New Adult Post Apocalyptic
Scientists are the new rock stars. The infection has been contained for nearly three months, and the world is celebrating. But humans are still dying. Rebekah Taylor has seen it firsthand. Her husband was killed right in front of her by the very creatures that humans were told they no longer had to fear.
Rebekah is determined to find out who is responsible for the death of her husband and the obvious cover-up. Fueled with revenge, she begins to find answers that lead to one frightening conclusion. The apocalypse might be over, but the battles are just beginning.

Thank you so much for having me on Book Briefs!!!
Character Interview with Preston
Do you think the world will ever be like it was before the outbreak?
Preston: I don�t know if the Afterworld can ever go back or should go back. The people who survived, have lost loved ones and have to fight every single day to wake up and start again. I don�t think that kind of pain can be forgotten. I don�t think it should be forgotten.
Did you think you�d survive the outbreak?
Preston: There were times when I felt I would and there were other times I doubted everything. There were moments I wasn�t even sure I wanted to survive. Being in front of those creatures, running for my life, fighting for my life put many things in perspective. When I heard that a cure had been found, I couldn�t believe we�d made it. It felt like a dream state, one that I was thrilled to be a part of until things fell apart all around me.
Did things go back to normal for you and your family?

Preston: No. I lost my family after the outbreak ended. We were told everything was under control, but it wasn�t. My sister was taken from me. She was targeted. It wasn�t like during the outbreak. The attack wasn�t random. It was planned. I won�t stop fighting until I find out what happened to her.
Is that what connected you to Rebekah�your shared experience?

Preston: Partially. She is incredible. I knew there was something special about her the first time I saw her. I could see the same pain in her eyes� The same pain I felt every single day, but it brought out a strength she carried with her. Her pain didn�t weaken her. It made her stronger.
And she makes believe in good again and I need that right now.
Author Interview

Did you ever think you�d be writing about zombies?

No! Definitely no. But I am a HUGE fan of zombie movies and when this story popped in my head, I knew I had to explore and develop the Afterworld. And in a way, it�s not actually about zombies. It�s about after the zombies�after the outbreak. I love writing about conspiracy theories and this story is full of them.
What is your favorite scene in RecruitZ?
I have so many. The Zombit Pit was amazing to imagine as I wrote it. That�s what was so fun about this book. There were so many scenes that were out of the ordinary, but yet I think they captured the same exploitations and issues of greed and power that occur in our current day.
What are your current projects?

I�m finishing up the edits on Beyond Reason, which is the third book in the Beyond Love Series. And I�m also working on AlibiZ. I have the entire Afterworld Series mapped out so it�s fun to watch it unfold as I write. I�ve had it churning in my mind for almost two years so it�s great to watch it come to life.
graydivider_thumb1Amazon5RecruitZ flash sale during the event! Only $.99!Goodreads4graydivider_thumb3

Playlist for RecruitZ

My playlist for RecruitZ was over 150 songs so I just picked a few to share on this stop. The story is so action packed that a lot of my songs reflect that.
Remember Thomas by Gold
Where is my Mind? by Pixies
Tidal Wave by Sub Focus
Things We Lost in the Fire by Bastille
Y.A.L.A. by M.I.A.
Higher Ground by TNGHT
Romeo by Until the Ribbon Breaks
Who Are you by The Who
Wake Me Up by Avicii
kariceKarice lives in Washington with her wonderful husband, who also happens to be her high school sweetheart and their two cute English bulldogs! She enjoys reading, baking, and trying to be crafty on her off-hours. She's also a coffee, tea, and snow addict. If she could live somewhere that had the white stuff year-round, she probably would. She also loves chatting with her readers on Facebook!
Her books include:
The Witch Avenue Series (Lonely Souls, Altered Souls, Released Souls, and Shattered Souls)
Beyond Love Series (Beyond Control, Beyond Doubt, Beyond Reason)
Watchers Trilogy (Taken, Awakening, Legions, Cataclysm)
Afterworld Series (RecruitZ)
The Camp
Find her on:
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