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{Review+Giveaway} Jase by M.J. Fields

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NA Review 
Jase by M.J. Fields
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Publication date: July 13th 2013
Series: Men of Steel #1Jase
Source: ecopy from Author  
I sat in my room at our family�s tattoo parlor, Forever Steel staring at the phone. I hadn�t stopped looking at the picture of this crazy, quirky, insanely beautiful blonde haired blue eyed siren that invaded the Jersey Shore a month ago.
Carly Smythe was not my type at all. She was a twenty year old student at Stanford University in California, smart as hell, and funny. The shit kicker was she was so awkwardly unaware of what any man with pulse could see, and that was that she was a damn heartbreaker with a body that made me hard the very first time I saw her.
She made me crazy, she snuck out to see me, and then avoided any sexual advances I made on her, until I finally kissed her, and I didn�t wait for an invitation either: I took those pouty little lips and made them mine.
Carly was also an avid reader of those books, you know �Mommy Porn.� So my game had to be stepped up. Who the hell am I kidding? She could see through my game immediately, and it didn�t have the same effect it did on every other girl I hooked up with. And she didn�t go running for the hills, either. I fell hard� and fast.
Abe (her cousin) knew all the shit that had gone down in my life for the past five and a half years and in order to make this work, which I wanted it to� I needed to set the record straight, put it all on the line, give her the 411, and let her decide if after everything, she still wanted to give it up to a guy like me. A tattooed, pierced, f-up, with a past that was sure to send any girl into a tail spin. She was not any girl, she was�different.
My Thoughts
Jase was a more emotional read than I expected it to be. This story is a roller coaster ride. There are so many ups and downs to this story and relationship. Jase and Carly at first glance seem to be complete opposites, but then as the story goes on, they seemed more and more alike to me. And man oh man, they were all over the place as a couple. Extremely hot when they were together, but they had more than their fair share of bumps in the road and a lot of the time they were one step forward, and one bigger step back. But overall, their tumultuous journey together made for a read that felt realistic and was enjoyable. It wasn't perfect, but then again real life very rarely is.
Carly is super sheltered. She is a smart girl that is 19 and goes to Stanford but she is extremely inexperienced, I don't think she had ever been kissed before she met Jase. She described herself as being a shy geek girl, and while I did think that she was smart and very into science, reading and school, I didn't find her shy at all. She was quiet when she first met Jase, but after day 3 or 4 she seemed anything but shy. And then after that she didn't have any problem letting people know what she was thinking. I liked her a lot, but I found her to be more hotheaded, like Jase, than quiet and shy. (which is why I thought that they were more alike than they would care to admit.)
Jase is a womanizer. Never sticking with one girl too long. He thinks all girls are the same. Jealous, possessive, and super controlling. Which is why Carly intrigued him so much. She didn't seem to be any of those things and he was immediately drawn to her. There was a bit of insta- love but if you push through that first part, their relationship totally blossoms and it becomes more than that insta-attraction. M.J. Fields does a good job delving into her characters, and I felt like I really got to know the two main characters.
Jase is told in Dual Narrative, but it is mainly from Carly's POV. Jase's chapters were much shorter and just randomly scattered throughout the story. It worked for me. The plot in Jase is very fast paced. At first, I thought it felt a little choppy because everything was happening so fast, but I quickly adapted to the flow of the book, and I found myself getting into the story and just riding the tide that the plot takes you on. There were plenty of twists and turns going on in the story. I started to feel bad for Carly and Jase, they just couldn't seem to catch a break. One thing after another kept happening to them. This story was an emotional roller coaster ride for me. Jase and Carly worked well together. They each did things that annoyed me, but overall they were both good characters and in the end, I was rooting for them. Which for me, is what it's all about. Jase felt a little too rushed and choppy for me at the start, but overall it was an enjoyable read. I can see tons of people falling in love with Jase (the character and the book) because he is a bad boy with a gooey marshmallow center. 
About the Author
I am very new self published writer,and had no clue what I was getting into, still don�t�but I like it!
My imagination became apparent at age three. Sigma was my very first (imaginary) boyfriend. He lived about fifteen miles from my family�s farm. I took him chicken noodle soup every night on one of our snowmobiles, regardless of the season. Apparently he was very ill and �Thank God� I was able to care for him.
At eight my love for writing blossomed. My cousins and I (of course I was the president) wrote a newsletter and sold it to our family members.
Years later I decided to put it back into print to entertain my cousin on an aircraft carrier on 9/11 and very far away from home during a scary time for our country, (protecting our butts).
Fast forward to 2012. I read 50 shades and thought, I wanna do that!
I have two complete series The Love Series, and Wrapped and two new series Burning Souls and Men of Steel. Thirteen books in sixteen months. CrAzY and wonderful.
I enjoy watching people grow and change with self realization and moments of clarity that sneak up behind you and smack you in the head. I love people and have always been able to see both sides of a story. Each person that comes into our life leaves us with something it is what we choose to do with it that helps us grow.
I live in central New York in the middle of nowhere and am surrounded by family and friend. I ran a small business out of my home and have recently closed my door to pursue this dream full time. I spend time writing and doing the typical Mommy things. Our house is full of pets, friends, and noise ninety percent of the time. I would have it no other way.
I love people,music, laughter, hugs, books, and talking about books.
I�m very excited to share that I have recently signed and am now represented by with http://www.corvisieroagency.com/
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