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{Review} Blood Bond by Heather Hildenbrand

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Blood Bond by Heather Hildenbrand
ebook, 347 pages
Published August 31st 2012 by Accendo Press
Genres: Young Adult Paranormal
Series: Dirty Blood #3 
Source: ecopy from Author
If I had to choose one word to sum up all of my problems, this would be it.
Without hybrids, I wouldn�t have to watch my best friend slowly becoming a monster. Without hybrids, I could let go of the mentality �hunt or be hunted.� CHAS wouldn�t be scouring the Earth, intent on slaughtering and using Alex to do it. Without hybrids, I wouldn�t have to be on guard that losing my temper meant losing my shape. There would be no monster inside me, struggling to get out.
Then again, without hybrids, I wouldn�t have Wesley St. John.
My Thoughts
Note: Blood Bond is the Third book in the Dirty Blood Series. You can find out more about the  series, Dirty Blood HERE
Heather Hildenbrand continues to surprise me with the dirty blood series. This book took the storyline to a whole other level. So much was going on, I am still trying to wrap my head around all of it. This is a great series. Blood Bond is really a book of discovery and answers in this series. Tara learns so much about herself, and we learn even more about CHAS and the hunter/werewolf society. A great installment in one of my favorite series.

I am so pleasantly surprised with how Tara handled herself in this book. She was on information overload. Seriously, I have no idea what I would have done if I had half the bombs that she had dropped on her. But she has really grown and she is so strong. I really admire her strength. And I love that Alex recognizes that strength and bravery in her. Blood Bond was much more focused on werewolf and hybrids than it was on the Wes Tara Alex love triangle, and while I missed my Tara and Alex moments from the second book, I was happy that the romance is not the main focus. Because now I can still hold out hope for Alex. I just love him. I like Wes too, but there is something about Alex and Tara. I think they push each other to be better. But even though Tara likes Alex, she is all about Wes. I am really pushing hard for this one to turn out my way, but I think I might be on the losing end of this love triangle. To be continued, I suppose.

The action is nonstop in Blood Bond. Tara has to deal with the George issue left over from the last story, plus she meets a crazy recluse scientist that holds lots of answers for her. And the crazy hybrids created by Miles pop up with a new master. All of these things get dealt with in this one book. Like I said, NON-STOP ACTION! I loved every second of it. I was on the edge of my seat- I couldn't read the pages fast enough. The ending killed me though. I need to read the next book to get to the bottom of it. I have a feeling there is much more than meets the eye with what happened. This is a must read series for anyone that likes paranormal books.
GoodreadsgraydividerOther Books in the Dirty Blood Series
1. Dirty Blood
2. Cold Blood
3. Blood Bond
4. Blood Rule
About the Author
Author of Across the Galaxy, Whisper, and the Dirty Blood series. I write, read, and fuss at my kids. Oh, and I do laundry, lots of laundry. I'm pretty good at it, too. Sometimes I even read WHILE doing laundry - and fussing at my kids. I'm a multi-tasker.
For more information on my books, release dates, or just general stalker material, um, I mean FAN material, visit my website. www.heatherhildenbrand.blogspot.com. I love hearing from readers!
Likes and dislikes? I love vintage tees, hate socks with sandals, and if my house was on fire the one thing I'd grab is my DVR player!

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