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{Review+Giveaway} Kissing Eden by T.A. Foster

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Kissing Eden by T.A. Foster
Published March 6th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Source: eARC from AuthorKissingEden

Have you ever thought of taking a vacation alone? I mean step on a plane, check into your hotel, and lie on the beach completely and utterly alone. No? Me either, but then right before senior spring break I got dumped.

Something about break ups makes you do things you didn�t want to do, and try things you didn�t know you were capable of.

That�s how I ended up at the Palm Palace.

That�s how I met Grey.

That�s how my spring break turned into the most unforgettable week of my life.

My Thoughts

Kissing Eden is a quick and fun spring break story. It manages to be both the perfect beach read, with a super sweet and hot romance, while managing to stay more realistic by infusing bumps in the road along the way. T.A. Foster writes great New Adult novels. The romance is sweet and her books are always a great, fun read.

Eden is off to spend spring break on her own. I wasn't sure if she was crazy brave, or just plain crazy at first. She had planned the trip her jerk- I mean boyfriend- and he dumped her a couple of days before the trip. He was a class A you know what. Holy cow I just wanted to constantly punch him everytime I saw him or heard his name mentioned. I was so glad that once he was history, he stayed history. Eden deserves so much better than him. The book was off to a really rocky start for poor Eden. She was in Texas for the first time ever, and her ex took her hotel room, the airlines lost her luggage and someone spilled rum and coke all over her now only pair of jeans. I think I would have gotten out of there in 2.5 seconds. But Eden stuck it out. And she met Grey.

Grey is intense. He has some communication issues and he can come off gruff, but there is just something about Grey. Some kind of quite gentleman- ness about him. You can tell he is a good guy. I thought it was kind of funny how moody he got sometimes. Even though, it wouldn't have been funny if I was Eden. There were a couple of times where I wanted to smack Grey upside the head and tell him what to do. But watching him and Eden fumble about and try and figure out what was going on with the two of them was half of the fun. I loved that Eden forced her help on Grey. He was way too stubborn to get help on his own, and I loved that Eden went out of her way to help him with the Palm. She is such a sweet girl.

Kissing Eden is a cute and fun sexy new adult romance that felt fresh and real to me. It is great as a standalone book, but the ending left a possible follow up open. Please T.A. Foster! Please bring me more Grey and Eden. I have to hear him say Darlin' some more! Fans of beach read new adults will love Kissing Eden.

About the Author

clip_image002T.A. Foster once spent a monthlong spring break on South Padre Island, where she soaked in the Texas sun, beach, and learned what real Texas country music is. Sometimes fiction does spring from reality.

She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos.

T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she�s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing, or planning her next beach trip.

Author Links:

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