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Stardust in Dixie - Beth Albright's Favorite Things

Beth Albright is back with a new book, Stardust in Dixie.

Abigail Harper Cartwright was coming undone. As the promotions director for a Tuscaloosa radio station, a huge upcoming Mother�s Day live event could make or break her career. But at the same time, two former lovers have stumbled back into the picture turning her life upside down. 

One old boyfriend � who works for a competing radio station, seems to be out to sabotage everything she does, while another may just be her knight in shining armor. But after being dumped during a very public marriage proposal, he may not be able to give Abby a second chance. 

To make matters worse, a nosey neighbor has started an epic turf war and azalea bushes, a stolen mailbox and some front porch graffiti are the result. 

As event day draws near, the dirty tricks at work get more intense and Abby has to call on her sassy sisters to help get to the bottom of it. 

And Abby�s new/old love has another love of his own � a three year old thoroughbred horse whose name holds the secret to some long harbored feelings. 

It all culminates in some Derby Day and Mother�s Day fireworks that will get your heart pounding and tears flowing. 

National best-selling author Beth Albright does it again with this new Southern page-turner filled with romantic comedy, emotion, passion and laugh-out-loud humor. Grab your best girlfriends and hang on tight for this hilarious, exciting, sassy, southern tale.

Purchase the book at:

My fellow Tuscaloosa native, Beth Albright, is back and giving us a little glimpse into her life!  Everyone loved when Beth was here and did the 12 Things About Beth Albright segment.  Today she is going to share some of her favorite things with us.  Hold tight y�all.  It�s always a good time when Beth stops by.

Beth�s Favorite Things
Color:  My favorite color is pink�so clich�, but I am so drawn to every shade of pink or peach I will literally cross a room or a store to go and see it up close. My wedding colors were peach and mint and still pale shades in these two hues reach out and grab me. And don�t even get me started on baby pink!

Season: I am such a fan of seasons in general, but out west, especially now in Arizona, I never see even a tad of the seasons. The change in season marks the passing of time so that everyday doesn�t run together. Our memories are based in sensuality, the smell, the feel, the visuals of life and seasons help to make memories stay with us. I really LOVE Fall!! I love springtime too so much and especially down south it is the very definition of �burst of Spring��such a symphony to the eyes and nose! But fall is full of romance and bonfires and snuggling in the old porch swing or stargazing from the back of an old pick-up truck. I love fall!!!

Drink: Are we talkin� drink or drink? I love mango passion fruit tea, and tea with mint! And I LOVE me some salty margaritas on the rocks!

Snack: OH MY! TOO many to name. Here is a strange one�olives! Roadtrip: Bugles and crunchy Cheetos. While writing: apples. ALWAYS: salty watermelon!

Destination: I love many places! NY. Victoria, Canada. I LOVE Charleston, SC, anyplace with cobblestone streets and tons of history. My dream destination is Paris! But what says �You are on vacation girl��is the Gulf Coast! Blue-green, clear, warm water and white sand�I grew up going here several times a year and now I never get there. I miss it so!

Book/Book Genre: I love women�s fiction, and romantic comedy. I do like a little mystery too. And of course delicious southern fiction!!

Guilty Pleasure: This is EASY! THE BACHELOR! I have watched every single season and I NEVER miss it! It is my Monday night thing and I plan for it�menu, snacks and SILENCE�no one can interrupt me during the Bachelor and I grieve between seasons until it comes back! I need to be in a watch party!! Somebody invite me! PLEASE!

Animal: I have both a dog and two cats. I LOVE my dog and yes, I am a dog lover, but me and my cats---oh my Lord, that is a forever snuggle, butt heads, and purring kind of love. I am such a cat lover and I always want more!!

Sport: I LOVE college football! How could I not being an Alabama girl? We have held the National Championship title 16 times�more than any other college team in History! My books always have a little (or a lot) of Crimson Tide football! And we say Roll Tide like Hawaiians say aloha...it means, hello, goodbye, and God bless you. I love my Alabama Crimson Tide Football!

Show/Movie: TV show is far and away Downton Abbey. I will be miserable now on Sunday nights. This and The Bachelor is all I ever watch for pleasure. This was the best writing I had ever witnessed!! Every single line moved the story forward. And the storylines, and plots and sets and costumes and...whew, it was fabulous!! The other favorite is The Golden Girls. I watch this show as I am getting ready for bed every night. I like to end the day laughing out loud!

Type of music: LOVE 1940s swing and big band. I listen to it on Spotify while I get dressed. And in the car. And when I cook. I am transported to the era I think I was supposed to live in.  I will write a book about this soon! I already have a book in the works!

Holiday: I just love holidays in general but I am certainly a Christmastime girl. Romance and fireplaces, and Christmas lights twinkling�oh, I get excited just thinking about it! But we also do a huge Halloween complete with our own neighborhood haunted house. Half of our storage in our garage is Halloween and Christmas! Oh, and of course, I love my birthday!! I love Mother�s Day too!

About the Author: 
Beth Albright is the author of the award-winning, best-selling series The Sassy Belles, and the nationally best-selling series In Dixie. After spending nearly 15 years as a talk radio host in talk radio, acting as a principal character on the soap opera, DAYS OF OUR LIVES, owning her own acting school and children�s theater, and raising a son who was a nationally ranked figure skater, Beth returned to her roots; storytelling. �In the south, we are good at stories. We hold them close like fine diamonds, polish them up like precious silver, and we hand them down like a priceless heirloom to our young with the hope that they will tell our stories for us when we are buried beneath the red clay of home.� Except from Southern Exposure, Tales From My Front Porch. (Beth�s Memoirist book of essays.)
�It�s just what we do down south, pass on our stories,� she says.

Though Beth has had a remarkable career, literally from New York City to Hollywood, she has never forgotten where she came from, and what she loves: The Deep South!

Beth is also a screenwriter, a voice-over talent for commercials, and a nationally known speaker and emcee. Beth lives with her TV producer husband, award winning promotions and branding executive, Ted Ishler. Her son, graduating with Distinction from Berkeley in the top 10%, is on his way to graduate school in the fall.

Connect with the author at:
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Share a favorite thing (or things about you and be entered to win a$20 Amazon gift card!  I�ll go first � my favorite color is pink, my favorite vacation spot is anywhere that�s warm with a beach and my favorite show is the Bachelor, just like Beth!  Giveaway ends April 8.
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